Find the perfect formula for natural rejuvenation and treatment of facial skin with your own blood plasma with the help of PRGF® Endoret® technology.
Among all available aesthetic treatments, we have decided to offer you the best natural method of rejuvenation using your blood plasma, which rich in growth factors and PRGF® (Plasma Rich in Growth Factor) Endoret® (Endogeneus Regenerative Technology).
The treatment is quick and painless, and consists of several steps.
STEP 1: drawing blood
STEP 2: centrifugation and extraction of plasma, which is filled with growth factors and stem cells, using a specialized centrifuge
STEP 3: Applying local anesthesia with Emla cream.
STEP 4: injecting plasma into the entire face, cleavage, neck, and arms with thin needles (only 10 minutes after having blood drawn)
There are no side effects, except for a slight redness of the face that lasts up to 24 hours.
The first effects of Endoret® (PRGF®) microinjections become visible 24 hours after the first application, and the smoothness and radiance of the skin increase with each subsequent treatment. We recommend three treatments in the first three months and after that the plan becomes individual. Usually one to three treatments are necessary each year, depending on the patient’s age and skin type.
PRGF® Endoret® micro-injection treatments are recommended to be first used preventatively at the age of 35, and from 45 years of age onwards to be used for regenerative and corrective purposes.
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